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Core 2 Labs
CompTIA CertMaster Labs for A+ Core 2 (220-1102) enable hands-on practice and skills development using real equipment and software accessed through a remote, browser-based lab environment. Aligned with Official CompTIA courseware and the CompTIA A+ Core 2 (220-1102) exam objectives, CertMaster Labs make it easy for learners to practice and apply their skills in real workplace scenarios in preparation for the certification exam. All lab activities include gradable assessments, offer feedback and hints, and provide a score based on learner inputs, ultimately guiding learners to the most correct and efficient path through job tasks and, in a classroom environment, providing instructors with meaningful insight into student performance.
There are two types of labs in the course:
Assisted Labs guide the learner step-by-step through tasks, offering assessment and feedback throughout a 10-15 minute experience, allowing the learner to correct any misunderstandings as they proceed through the activity.
Applied Labs present a series of goal-oriented scenarios in a 20-30 minute experience covering multiple topics, scoring the student at the end of the activity based on their ability to successfully complete each scenario. As a result, learners are forced to think critically about how to approach problems without a prescribed set of steps.
CompTIA A+ Core 2 Lab Exercises (Practical) – 12 Months Cloud Access
Assisted Lab: Manage User Settings in Windows
Assisted Lab: Support Windows 11
Assisted Lab: Use Management Consoles
Assisted Lab: Use Task Manager
Assisted Lab: Monitor Performance and Event Logs
Assisted Lab: Use Command-line Tools
APPLIED Lab: Support Windows 10
Assisted Lab: Perform Windows 10 OS Installation
Assisted Lab: Perform Ubuntu Linux OS Installation
Assisted Lab: Install and Configure an Application
Assisted Lab: Troubleshoot a Windows OS Issue
Assisted Lab: Configure Windows Networking
Assisted Lab: Manage Linux using Command-line Tools
Assisted Lab: Manage Files using Linux Command-line Tools
APPLIED Lab: Support and Troubleshoot Network Hosts
Assisted Lab: Configure SOHO Router Security
Assisted Lab: Configure Workstation Security
Assisted Lab: Configure Browser Security
Assisted Lab: Troubleshoot Security Issues Scenario #1
APPLIED Lab: Troubleshoot Security Issues Scenario #2
Assisted Lab: Use Remote Access Technologies
Assisted Lab: Implement Backup and Recovery
Assisted Lab: Implement a PowerShell Script
Assisted Lab: Implement Bash Script
Assisted Lab: Manage a Support Ticket
Try Hack Me Voucher Winners
Congratulations to: Chuck Hawkins, Gabriel Anunziato, Richard Appiah, Taty Marquez, Danielle McAllister, Wesley Bailey, Basim Acan, Larry Moseley,
Saif ahmed and Marty Crane.